Andrea Brewster
Curriculum & Assessment Faculty
Dr. Andrea Brewster earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from the School of Education and Information Studies at University of California, Los Angeles. Throughout her career in postsecondary education, she has centered continuous improvement at the course, program, and institution level. Her areas of expertise include curriculum development, mixed methods research, survey design and analysis, and educational assessment. Drawing on her decade of teaching experience, Dr. Brewster enjoys helping faculty and programs gain insight into their students’ learning experiences and make evidence-based improvements. In 2014, Dr. Brewster was accepted to and completed WSCUC’s highly competitive Assessment Leadership Academy, a year-long assessment fellowship. She also participated in the Inter/national Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research (2012-15), piloting the integration of ePortfolios in general education curriculum. Her scholarly interests include assessing high-impact student learning practices and addressing wellness and equity issues in student success initiatives.

"As an advocate and practitioner of equity-minded curriculum development and assessment, I work to enrich student learning and experiences through continuous, evidence-based program improvement. Go, Calbright!"

Andrea Brewster