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Calbright by the Numbers – Statewide and Growing!

Calbright just crunched some numbers for the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, and here’s what we found:

  • Calbright now has students in 45 of California’s 58 counties – we are a truly statewide community college!  
  • Calbright first started enrolling students in 2019. We began 2022 with just over 800 students. We now have nearly 1800!  We’ve more than doubled our enrollment in the last year!  
  • Almost 65% of Calbright students identify as people of color.
  • Men and women are almost evenly split at Calbright, with 4.6% of students declining to state a gender and 1.5% identifying as non-binary.
  • Our most popular program, far and away, is IT Support, which has over 1000 currently enrolled students. That’s followed by CRM Platform Administration, which has over 350, and then Cybersecurity, with over 100.  
  • Our newest program is Data Analysis, which is currently in a pilot phase.  It has nearly 100 students, and will be open to the general public soon!  (We limit enrollment of new programs while they’re being tested with their first students.)

And of course, all of Calbright’s programs are currently free to Californians, and open to any adult Californian with a high school diploma or equivalent. All of our classes are entirely online, and flexibly paced so that students can study on their own schedules. Everything Calbright does is designed to fit with your life. So much has changed for us in a year, but that never will.

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