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Calbright On The Cutting Edge  – The Learning Agency Talks To Marisa Bold

“There are more than 6.8 million adults in California without a (college) degree, and more than 40 million adults with some credits and no degree nationwide. This is a huge population of learners who may have different needs than higher education has oriented around in the past.

At Calbright our students represent these learners across California.”

That’s what Calbright’s VP of Sustainable Growth and District Development Marisa Bold told The Learning Agency when interviewed about the College being on the cutting edge of innovation in higher education.

“Adult learners bring so much experience, so many skills, and have a clear sense of their goals – especially the workforce outcomes they seek,” said Bold. “So, we prioritize helping them achieve those outcomes, focusing on innovations that remove barriers and help accelerate learner progress, increase completion rates, decrease the time to completion, and enable students to work towards the career outcomes they seek.”

Read the full interview to learn where she sees higher education going in the next five years, why Calbright is free and open to all adult Californians with a high school diploma or equivalent, and how Calbright is conducting research that every community college can use to create better systems for all adult learners.  And read more about some of the new technology Calbright is funding here

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