Workforce and Partnerships


Strengthening California’s workforce development efforts

Calbright, in partnership with industry experts, builds custom curriculum around in-demand skills that plug directly into California’s vibrant knowledge economy.

Bridging the gap between employers and potential employees is part of our DNA. We were created to work with employers, hiring managers, and economic development organizations to identify in-demand and growing areas within the knowledge economy, create programs that help Californians prepare to enter those fields, and offer this training through our accessible and affordable competency-based model. We partner with organizations across the state to deliver what’s needed to grow our economy, offering students a better chance at success in today’s labor market and employers access to talent that’s ready to do the job on day one.

The Calbright Skills Engine
Instead of preparing students for a specific role within only one company, our programs are designed to help students enter fields that span across multiple sectors. These positions operate within an ecosystem, so when a student enters the workforce, they have the foundation in place upon which to build a career.

Our Program Methodology


The first step is getting an in-depth understanding of industry needs, not only for today, but for 10 years from now. This includes where jobs in the field are physically located, the rate at which the sector is expanding, what certificates the industry values, and the current number of Californians able to fill those roles.


Each of Calbright’s programs has an advisory council of hiring managers and business leaders who help identify the skills necessary for success. Our instructors use this information, alongside their expertise, to develop a curriculum focused on helping students master their coursework and prepare to apply their skills in a professional environment.

Launch and Iterate

In today’s rapidly evolving economy, best practices within an industry can change quickly. As information and skills shift over time, we update our coursework and materials to optimize the student experience and to ensure learners are engaging with the most current lessons available.


Our career coaches guide students through the experience from beginning to end, helping to prepare for interviews and apply their skills in a professional environment so that once a student has completed their program, they’re ready on day one to do the job.

Our partners

A crucial aspect of Calbright’s program development model is industry expertise, which identifies new opportunities for upskilling and gaps in current recruiting efforts. We are proud to partner with the following organizations:

Connect with the Workforce and Partnerships Team

If you’re interested in partnering with Calbright or would like to learn more about the work we do, we’d love to hear from you. Please use the form below to send us a message, and a member of our team will be in touch.

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