Khris, who lives in San Diego, has been in cosmetology since she was in her senior year of high school. First she was a successful stylist, then she taught cosmetology for almost 20 years.
Now she’s looking for a career change.
“I want to start my own consulting business for other cosmetologists, I want to teach people already in the field what I learned, and help them take their customer service to the next level,” she said. “But I also need to pay my bills while I set this up! Ideally I’d like to get a nice salary for a part-time job in tech, where I can work remotely, so that I can pay my bills as I build my business.”
She decided to go into CRM Platform Administration: not only are there plenty of good jobs available to people with those skills, but it’s a tool that she’ll need to use in her own business.
She came to Calbright because it’s a free online community college, but she found that the support she received was the real value.
“At first it was a little bit daunting to have someone asking ‘how are you doing?’ ‘what do you need?’ but then it was nice to have that person there to talk to,” she said.